Ticket purchase
On suburban railway (HÉV) lines H5, H6, H8, H9, the tariff within Budapest is valid within the administrative border of Budapest, while outside the administrative border it is possible to travel with tickets and passes that is depend on the distance.
On line H7, the tariff within Budapest is valid for the entire length of the line.
The administrative border of Budapest:
• H5: Békásmegyer
• H6: Millenniumtelep
• H8: Ilonatelep
• H9: Szabadságtelep
• On line H8, in case of travel between a stop within the administrative boundary of Budapest and Kistarcsa, kórház the local tariff in Budapest is valid (tickets and passes must be redeemed in advance.
• In the case transfers between lines H8 and H9 on Cinkota, if at least one of the points of departure and destination is outside the administrative boundaries of Budapest, the local fare on Budapest only needs to be paid once.
• The annual all-line Budapest passes are valid for the entire length of all suburban railway lines.
• Tickets purchased for the transport of dogs and bicycles, which can be used within Budapest, bicycle pass and dog pass are valid for the entire length of all suburban railway lines.
Advance purchase is BKK sales points, (costumer service offices and further sales points, ticket vending machines (TVMs)), MÁV-START sales points and ticket vending machines and even using the MÁV mobile app or the online ticket purchase system of MÁV-START (jegy.mav.hu). When boarding a suburban railway train within Budapest, passengers must hold a valid ticket, pass or travel document. Ticket purchase on board is possible without penalty fare payment if the passenger boards at a stop outside the administrative boundaries of Budapest where there is no ticket office or TVM available. The ticket along with the certificate or ID proving eligibility for a discount must be handed over to the inspector.
More information about our tickets and passes: https://bkk.hu/en/tickets-and-passes/prices/
Please find the exact fares for each destinations on lines H5, H6, H8 and H9 in the tables below.